A mommy makeover is designed to restore the appearance of a woman’s body after she has children. If you are interested in getting your pre-baby body back, a mommy makeover may be the right procedure for you. All problem areas can be addressed, including the tummy, breasts, and buttocks. Generally, this makeover is performed in a single procedure so there is only one recovery to go through. Knowing that you are a mother with children at home, it’s important to carefully choose your plastic surgeon. You have a family to take care of and you deserve the best! To protect yourself, here are five questions to ask during your mommy makeover consultation.

Question #1: Am I a good candidate for a mommy makeover?

As wonderful as a mommy makeover may sound to you right now, it’s important to determine if you are a good candidate. It’s still a surgery that you will be going through, so you want to make sure your risks are low and the efforts will be worth it. Things that indicate you are an ideal candidate are:

  • You are done having children
  • You are no longer breastfeeding
  • You’ve healed from your last pregnancy
  • You have realistic goals for the procedure

Question #2: What procedures will help me reach my goals?

Once you and the surgeon have agreed that you are a good candidate, you can discuss which procedures are right for you. Mommy makeovers may sound simple, but there are many surgeries that can be done. The most common include a tummy tuck, liposuction, and breast enhancement, though other procedures may be recommended as well. It all depends on what your overall goals are.

Question #3: What will the recovery be like?

Whether you’re returning to work or caring for the kids, you need to know the details of your expected recovery. Most women take one to three weeks off to get the rest and recovery they need, but yours could be more or less depending on the procedure and its technique. Ask the surgeon what you can expect in terms of incisions, implant types, placement options, and scarring.

Question #4: What restrictions will I have?

It’s also smart to discuss the types of restrictions you can expect. Not all women are prepared for the limitations they will have, so it’s best to be informed. During the first few weeks of recovery, you’ll probably have limits on lifting and driving. This is important to know if you have young children. The faster you heal, the more you’ll be able to do.

Question #5: When can I expect to see results?

Wouldn’t it be nice if results showed up immediately after you left our office? Unfortunately, it takes a good three to four months for the real results to appear, as healing needs to take place first. It can take up to 12 to 18 months for scars to heal as well, so expect to see improvements over time. Around six to 12 months is when you get the final outcome.

Dr. Anthony Berlet Can Help You

Asking the right questions at your mommy makeover consultation can make all the difference. You want to make sure that you are 100% prepared for the procedure. Asking these questions can provide clarity and peace of mind before your surgery. Dr. Anthony Berlet has served patients in the northern NJ and New York City areas for over 20 years. If you are considering a mommy makeover, reach out to our team to learn more about what you can expect.  Schedule a consultation with Berlet Plastic Surgery and let us answer your questions!