Breasts continue to develop throughout the course of a woman’s life. Whether you always had a large chest or it developed after pregnancy or weight gain, chest size can be frustrating for some women. In some cases, women find larger breasts to be an aesthetic or cosmetic asset, however, many women struggle with large breasts. Back and neck pain can get in the way of living your everyday life. In these situations, there are a few options to reduce breast size. Women can consider several natural options for breast reduction or decide that breast reduction surgery is the right move. If you tried all of the natural options below and did not see results, breast reduction surgery may be the only option. A consultation with a plastic surgeon is a great first step in determining if surgery is right for you.

Natural methods to reduce breast size

After a quick online search, you can find several options for reducing breast size naturally. These options are a great starting point for women who do not want to jump into breast reduction surgery right away. The following four natural breast reduction options are known to work for many women.

1) Exercise

Incorporating certain exercises into your usual workout routine can help to reduce breast size. This is important because these exercises can help you reduce fat over the chest and strengthen the muscles underneath. This results in smaller, perkier breasts. Some exercises that target the chest are:

  • Push-ups
  • Swimming
  • Yoga
  • Free weights

In each of these activities, your chest will tighten and tone your chest, build muscle, and lose fat through repetition. Adding other forms of cardio, including jogging or climbing stairs, will generate an overall fat loss, distributed evenly throughout the whole body.

2) Diet

Along with exercise, diet is another important factor in reducing breast size naturally. There are certain foods and drinks that you can consume that may aid in the reduction of breast size. This includes the following.

  • Ginger
  • Flaxseed
  • Green tea
  • Fenugreek
  • Egg whites

Adding these products into your everyday diet may help you to reduce breast size. It is important that, in addition to these products, you also maintain a healthy diet consisting of whole foods. Avoid processed, sugary foods, and drinks that do not provide any real nutrients. This will help you shed pounds faster, revealing a toned chest.

3) Supplements

There is some research that indicates that taking fish oil may help to reduce breast size. It is recommended you consume at least 1,000mg of fish oil every day to see results. Fish oil provides a lot of Omega-3 Fatty acids, which can stop the overproduction of estrogen in the body. By minimizing the estrogen in the body, breast size may reduce drastically. Alternatively, you can consume healthy, steamed fish in your everyday diet. Fish such as salmon, mackerel, and albacore tuna are high in Omega-3s.

4) Massage

Breast massage is another proven natural method for reducing breast size. According to a study, regular massage may reduce the deposited fat in the breast tissue. By practicing daily or weekly massage, you may see great results. Use natural coconut oil or lotion to improve stretch marks and improve skin elasticity as well.

Breast reduction surgery overview

Breast reduction surgery usually takes place in a hospital setting and takes a few hours to complete. During the procedure, skin, fat, and tissue from the lower breast area are removed. In most cases, the surgeon then moves the nipples to a higher position on the breast. After the nipple is moved to its new position, the skin above the nipple is brought down and around the swell of the breast. The surgeon then stitches the incision.

In some cases, there is the option of a scarless breast reduction. In this procedure, only one small incision will be made in the breast crease. A thin surgical tube, known as a cannula, is used to remove the excess fatty breast tissue. This technique is considered a scarless breast reduction procedure because the scars are minimal.

What is breast reduction surgery recovery like?

After breast reduction surgery, your breasts will be sore, swollen, and bruised. You can expect to wear bandages for about two days after surgery. Avoid strenuous activity for one to two weeks. Additionally, you should avoid heavy lifting and refrain from exercise and other strenuous activities for at least four weeks following the procedure. For extra support, a special soft surgical bra or athletic bra will be recommended by your doctor.

Your surgeon will remove your stitches in two to three weeks after the breast reduction procedure. Most women will be able to return to work and other normal activities about two weeks after the procedure. To ensure that the breasts are healing properly, breast reduction patients should attend follow-up appointments for several months after surgery.

What are the risks and side effects of breast reduction surgery?

If you have tried many different natural ways to reduce breast size and have not seen the results you’re looking for, surgery may be the next best option. Choosing to undergo breast reduction surgery is a very personal decision. You should speak to your doctor about your goals for the procedure and why you want breast reduction. Together with your medical team, you can make the best decision possible for your future. Should you decide to move forward with this surgery, you should note the possible risks and side effects.

The side effects associated with all general surgical procedures apply. This includes the following.

  • Anesthesia risks
  • Allergies to tape, sutures, glues, blood products, topical preparations, or injectable agents
  • Infection
  • Bleeding (hematoma)
  • Poor wound healing
  • Pain near the incision site
  • Unfavorable scarring

Additionally, there are a few side effects specific to this type of surgery that you should be aware of, as well.

  • Changes in nipple or breast sensation, which may be temporary or permanent
  • Breast asymmetry
  • Breast shape irregularities
  • Possibility of revisional surgery
  • Irregular firmness of the breast
  • Inability to breastfeed
  • Possible loss of skin/tissue of breast where incisions meet each other
  • Partial or total loss of nipple and areola

These risks and side effects are not common. However, you should speak to your doctor and ask any lingering questions you may have prior to your procedure to achieve peace of mind.

Am I a good candidate for breast reduction surgery?

If you previously tried all of the natural methods above and did not see results, breast reduction surgery may be the best option for you. You should speak to your plastic surgeon about your body goals and he or she can clarify if you are a good candidate. However, generally speaking, a good candidate for breast reduction surgery has the following attributes.

  • Has an above-average overall health condition
  • Has macromastia (large breasts)
  • Suffers from negative symptoms, such as back/neck pain or rash under the breasts

How much does breast reduction surgery cost?

The cost of breast reduction surgery varies based on many different factors. Some of these factors include the doctor’s or surgeon’s individual fee, the location of the surgical center, anesthesia fees, and more. Make sure to discuss the cost of the surgery prior to making any final decisions with your doctor. Remember that usually, insurance does not cover cosmetic surgery. However, in the case of a breast reduction, insurance may cover the costs. If you are having breast reduction surgery for health reasons, speak to your doctor about how to make sure insurance covers your fees.

From 2020 statistics of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of breast reduction (aesthetic patients only) is $5,913. Please note that this is only part of the total price. In other words, it does not include anesthesia, operating room facilities, or other related expenses mentioned above. Please consult with your plastic surgeon’s office to determine your final fee.

Your surgeon may offer patient financing plans, so be sure to ask.

Finding the right plastic surgeon to reduce your breast size

After trying all the natural methods and not seeing results, breast reduction surgery might be your best option. In this case, reach out to an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon near you who can help. In your initial consultation, the right plastic surgeon will address all of your concerns regarding the surgery and recovery. He or she will also make sure to answer any lingering questions you have about the procedure and make you feel as comfortable as possible. It’s important that you seek a doctor who educates you regarding your decision and who makes you feel at ease. If you do not feel this way when speaking to your current doctor, seek out a second opinion. This can be important for making the most well-informed medical decision possible.

Dr. Berlet has been helping patients in the northern New Jersey and New York Metropolitan area for over 20 years. Along with his team of experienced staff, Dr. Berlet can guide you through your breast reduction surgery, answering any questions you may have. To learn more about how to reduce breast size with surgery, contact us today!