Fad Diets and your role with them


We’ve all seen the newest posted recipes on Pinterest or in line at the grocery store the cover of a magazine touting new eating habits that will change your life. When it comes down to it, most of us want to be proactive when it comes to feeding family and ourselves the best food choices we can. What happens when the newest study or research contradicts a meal or habit you’ve done all of your life? Unfortunately, the cliché response “I’ve always done ____” and I’m fine, simply won’t hold up in a court of health.

There are aspects to many of the newest food crazes that can actually increase your health. One new one, the Paleo diet, simply put, takes us back to our cavemen instincts and relies on a strict diet of animal proteins, fruits, most vegetables, nuts & seeds and healthy fats. It restricts the intake of dairy, grain, legumes, starches, alcohol, processed foods, sugars and their substitutes. While there are some naysayers and anti-Paleo nutritionists, overall, the foods you take IN are healthy and nutrient rich. The biggest concern might be to balance and monitor calcium intake via leafy greens like kale and spinach to meet daily requirements to satisfy the need for this essential mineral. *Bonus: eating avocados can no longer be eaten in meager, guilt induced portions!

One hotly debated and much contested diet is the HCG diet. The claim is to loose copious amounts of body fat via the injection or intake of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and a restrictive 500-calorie a day diet. While many say the obvious weight loss results come from the record low caloric intake, the proponents of HCG say that with the drops or injections, the body can safely sustain on the dosage prescribed and limited food intake. To summarize, the only reason anyone should submit to such an extreme diet form should be at the supervision and recommendation of a physician. (And even then, a much less drastic approach could be used in rehabilitating one’s diet plan and health.) *Bonus: look like the most disciplined person in your social scene as you much on leaves of lettuce at a party.

Lastly, the Mediterranean diet is a meal comprised of cardiologist’s best friends. Sprinkle that luscious green salad with herbs and olive oils, eat fresh fish & poultry and go ahead and enjoy that glass of wine at dinner. While you might have a hard time going without your weekly (in some cases, daily?!) red meat, the energy and vitality will replenish your reserves via the plant-based fiber rich foods and sustaining good fats. The seasonings and herbs are increased to appeal to the palate, thus signaling the brain of satiety and in turn eating less and feeling fuller. This widely favored diet encompasses a holistic healthful approach to good, healthy food eaten in the company of friends and family. *Bonus: see your hair and skin thank you for the superb diet rich in good nutrients.