When it comes to fat removal procedures, there are so many options. For many women who have tried dieting, exercising, and other lifestyle changes but have not seen their desired results, these procedures are available. Understanding which procedures and treatments are right for your body can be difficult. Before choosing a cosmetic treatment, make sure you speak to a medical professional. Together, with your doctor, you will be able to make the best medical decision possible for your unique circumstances. You should understand that while there are several fat removal options, not every option is right for everybody. Certain procedures require certain body types. Your doctor can help you determine which is the best option for you.

Liposuction: What is it? What should I expect?

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure, performed by a plastic surgeon, that removes unwanted fat from areas of the body. Specifically, a surgeon uses a suction technique to remove fat from specific areas of the body. Common target treatment areas include the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms, or neck. Liposuction not only removes fat from these areas but also helps to shape and contour them to the patient’s liking. This procedure is the most common plastic surgery that patients request in the United States.

What are the steps for the procedure?

Before your procedure begins, your plastic surgeon will administer anesthesia. Your surgeon can administer it intravenously or through general anesthesia. Additionally, in some cases, the plastic surgeon will apply a local anesthetic to the patient’s midsection. This is necessary to ensure your comfort during the procedure.

Once the area is numb, the plastic surgeon will make small incisions around the site of the fat deposits. A thin tube (cannula) will be moved underneath the skin to loosen the fat cells. He or she will then use a medical vacuum to suction out the dislodged fat deposits. It may take several sessions to achieve the desired result.

After the procedure, your plastic surgeon will close the incisions using stitches or sutures. Depending on the targeted treatment area, your surgeon will tightly wrap the area in bandages and leave drains in to collect any unnecessary fluid. The recovery timeline depends on the number of treated areas, and whether additional liposuction sessions are needed.

Am I a good candidate for liposuction?

To be a good candidate for liposuction, you need to have several different qualities. However, generally, the better the health of the patient, the better chance he/she has of having great results. Note that ideal candidates:

  • Should be 30% of their ideal weight.
  • Will have firm skin and muscle tone.
  • Do not suffer from serious illnesses that could affect the results and recovery. (This includes blood flow or circulation issues, heart disease, diabetes, or a weak immune system.)
  • Do not smoke. Smoking impacts the immune system. With full liposuction recovery taking weeks, smoking could delay the healing process.

Note that if you are taking medications, or have allergies to certain medications, you should talk with your surgeon. You may have to suspend these medications depending on what they are. Painkillers and blood thinners are usually not allowed up to two weeks before the surgery. This decreases the risk of bleeding. Liposuction is a great option if you are healthy, eat well, and exercise regularly.

Non-invasive fat removal: What is it? What should I expect?

Non-surgical fat reduction happens using minimally invasive treatments that selectively break down fat cells in specific areas to reduce the size of subcutaneous fat pockets. In other words, it removes fat deposits that sit beneath the skin, but above the muscle. A number of FDA-cleared treatments are available, each achieving gradual, modest fat loss without surgery or downtime.

Options for this treatment include the following.

  • Cryolipolysis
  • Laser Treatment
  • Injectable Deoxycholic Acid
  • Ultrasound Fat Reduction
  • Red Light Therapy

Each of these methods has different levels of efficacy, procedure steps, and recovery timelines. To figure out which type of noninvasive fat removal is right for you, speak to a medical professional. Each type has benefits and typically, there are very few limitations because the treatment is nonsurgical. Benefits include:

  • Little to no downtime is required
  • No general anesthesia, incisions or scars
  • Side effects are minimal for most patients
  • Gradual onset of results allows patients to be discreet about treatments
  • Results can last as long as a patient maintains his or her weight

The few limitations include:

  • Reduces fat only (minimal sculpting ability compared to liposuction)
  • We cannot choose exactly how much fat is lost, only estimate a percentage
  • Multiple treatments may be needed to achieve desired results
  • May not be suitable for patients with significant amounts of fat to lose

Am I a good candidate for non-invasive fat removal?

With so many different types of non-invasive fat removal, it’s difficult to pinpoint every single quality that would make you a good candidate. You would need to speak to a medical professional about each individual option. This is the only way to be sure about your candidacy for any given procedure. However, generally speaking, good candidates for non-invasive fat removal are:

  • Looking to reduce unwanted fat in diet and exercise-resistant areas without the aggravation, pain or downtime of liposuction
  • At or close to their ideal body weight
  • Wanting to target specific areas such as tummy fat, love handles, flanks, inner thighs, “bat wings”, saddlebags, and bra rolls
  • Not expecting a weight loss procedure
  • Not expecting a “quick fix” (multiple treatments often required with noticeable results 8-12 weeks after each treatment)

Questions to ask your doctor

Asking the right questions before making a medical decision is crucial. Choosing to undergo cosmetic surgery is not a light decision to make and you should understand as much as possible before you choose a procedure. Together, with your doctor, you should choose what is right for your unique circumstances. The following questions can serve as a guide for your consultation with your doctor.

  • What does the procedure cost?
  • What is your experience with liposuction and/or non-invasive fat removal?
  • Are you board-certified?
  • Do you have real patient reviews and before-and-after photos that I can look at?
  • What do you think the outcome of my procedure would be? Do I have realistic goals set in place?
  • Will I need to be prescribed medication? If so, which medication will I be given or prescribed?
  • Can I bathe immediately?
  • When can I resume normal activity and exercise?
  • When do I return for follow-up care?

Dr. Anthony Berlet Can Help You

Choosing the best plastic surgeon available to you makes all the difference. If you are looking to choose between noninvasive fat removal and liposuction, speak to your doctor to manage expectations. The best doctor for you will have experience with the procedure you are looking for and he or she will be able to answer all of your questions. Dr. Anthony Berlet serves the northern New Jersey and New York City area, helping patients with all types of cosmetic surgery procedures, including liposuction and tummy tucks. For over 20 years, he has helped patients achieve their goals. Reach out to our team to learn more!