While most people consider rhinoplasty to be a strictly cosmetic procedure, many patients seek rhinoplasty to solve an issue of function. Often, there is some blockage in the nose that makes breathing difficult. This can occur due to nasal trauma, a congenital defect, a previous rhinoplasty, or a combination of these factors. Successfully alleviating the difficulty while maintaining the patient’s desired aesthetics is the job of a board-certified, top-tier plastic surgeon. To learn more about functional rhinoplasty recovery, procedure, and prep, read on. This information should help you have an educated conversation with your doctor. Additionally, it should ensure that you are making the best medical decision possible for your unique circumstances.

What is a functional rhinoplasty?

Functional rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that reshapes the nose to address its function. The procedure helps patients to breathe easier.

How do I know if I am a candidate for this procedure?

A consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon will help to identify if you are a good candidate for functional rhinoplasty. Regardless of a patient’s unique set of circumstances, Doctors Cohen and Winters are dedicated to improving their patient’s breathing functions and creating an aesthetically pleasing nose that complements the patient’s features.

How to prepare for functional rhinoplasty surgery

To prepare for functional rhinoplasty, make sure you follow all of your surgeon’s instructions. He or she may recommend the following.

  • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol in the week leading up to your procedure.
  • Do not take Aspirin or any other blood-thinning medication in the week before your procedure.
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun before and after your procedure.
  • Stop taking any medications that your doctor believes will interfere with your recovery.
  • Confirm your ride to and from the procedure.
  • Make some meals ahead of time or head to the grocery store.
  • Arrange for someone to stay with you the first night after your procedure.

What are the procedure steps?

During the procedure, your surgeon will first administer anesthesia. This can be in the form of general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. He or she will then make the necessary incisions to access any blockage within the nose. Then, your surgeon will manipulate the nose, removing unnecessary cartilage and adjusting the skin to look aesthetically pleasing. In some cases, the addition of cartilage is necessary. In other cases, he or she will correct a deviated septum if it applies. Finally, he or she will close the incision.

What can I expect from recovery?

Functional rhinoplasty recovery takes some time. Typically, rhinoplasty patients wear a splint for approximately a week after their procedure. This will hold the nasal tissues in place and ensure that the healing process goes smoothly.

You should expect some amount of bruising and swelling. These side effects can last for about two weeks. Once the skin returns to its typical color and the swelling goes down, the cosmetic results will be more apparent. Please know that the nose can take a very long time to heal, so it is normal to not see a full recovery for a matter of months. Talk to your doctor about your unique condition and he or she may be able to give you a more firm timeline.

Choose a top plastic surgeon to change your life

To ensure a safe and speedy functional rhinoplasty recovery, choose a top board-certified plastic surgeon. The right doctor will make you feel safe, answer all of your questions, and have experience performing the procedure. Make sure you take the time to communicate with your surgeon to ensure your entire medical team is on the same page. Dr. Anthony Berlet has over 20 years of experience helping patients in the northern New Jersey and New York City areas. Reach out to him and his dedicated staff to learn more about the procedure. Contact us today.